Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Back to WAR

WAR what is it good for?  FUN that's what!

I've been away for over six months and as I come back to Warhammer Online from EVE Online I decided to start a WAR blog to cronicle my path.  A sort of internet record of what I think of this. 

First off, I resubbed on a Tuesday and from what I've seen from a quick forum review...I'm glad I'm on the Badlands server already.  That server has almost double all the other servers combined.  WAR is like that, it demands players or the game becomes unplayable.  Fortunately for me, I happened to resub on the Battle for the Badlands event that is run by a player guild on the Order side.  You can see it here through this link. I had a great two hours...even though I was getting pounded by destro while I was on.  I found it didn't a lvl 19 Witch Hunter with my Obliterator gear and generic realm points gear I was still able to kill other characters and contribute to the warband.  Heck, I even managed to solo a few Witch Elves as we were both running back to the battle.

Although I'm now guildless, and I can't blame my last guild for dumping me after six can still jump in a Warband at the T2 and T3 levels and immediately have fun killing other players.  That ability to quickly jump in AND contribute makes WAR a different beast from everyother MMO out there.

I can't wait to get back, but unlike EVE online where I felt a real pressure to get on everyday to adjust a money making endeavor to I COULD WAR I don't have to and that feels good.

1 comment:

  1. It is always good to see people returning. It is even better when they blog their return.

    Welcome back.
